
Paper Sack

Were you one of those simple kids who never had a lunch box, but instead always had your lunch packed into a brown paper bag? If you were, you could probably appreciate this bag just as much as I do. Get ready to pack your lunch into something much softer, delicate, and long lasting...
how to make a gif

Though they've already been around for quite a bit, I couldn't help but dedicate a bit of my time to making a post especially for the Saco De Papel. Now available in so many different colours (beige, brown, black, white, green, and even metallics) Anve's winning clutch is simply made by one piece of leather or suede. The design, described as being weightless, is simply closed by brass snap closures or magnets. Just throw in your phone, wallet, and keys and one snap and fold will have you on your way with ease, x

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